Gujarati Samaj Contributing A Lot For Social Cause : Prabhav Naik

Margao :
I am really feeling blessed to attend the Navaratri Celebrations organised by Margao Gujarati Samaj at their Special School Complex. Gujarati Samaj has immensely contributed a lot for social cause, said youth leader Prabhav Naik.
Speaking on the sixth night of Navaratri Celebrations by Gujarati Samaj, Prabhav Naik congratulated the members on completion of 60 years of their establishment. President Sonal Doshy, Vice President Rushabh Savla and Joint Secretary Sahil Gosalia were alo present.
Our family is closely associated with Gujarati Samaj. My grandfather Anant alias Babu Naik shared a cordial relation with Gujarati Samaj members. Let us keep the bonding strong and contribute for Margao, Prabhav Naik said.
I will do my best to help and support activities of Gujarati Samaj in Margao. Initiative of School for Special Children deserves support from all including government, stated Prabhav Naik.
Earlier, Prabhav Naik was welcomed by the Committee Member of Gujarati Samaj. He was felicitated by presenting “Dandiya” and he also took “Mahaprasad” at the function and participated in Dandiya and Garba dances