Respect Elders & Persons With Disabilities : Prabhav

Margao :
The International Human Rights Day programme on 13th December 2024 is organized at Human Rights Commission Office, Panjim which itself is not accessible to Persons with Disabilities & Elderly. I fully support demand of DRAG to shift the venue. I appeal to Social Welfare Minister Subhash Phaldessai to intervene. Madganvcho Awaaz will join protest if government fails to act, stated Youth Leader Prabhav Naik.
Extending his support to the demand made by Dissability Rights Association of Goa and Social Activists Prakash Kamat, Raj Vaidya and others, Prabhav Naik appealed to Government to remain sensitive towards Persons with Disabilities and Senior Citizens.
It is an irony that the Human Rights Commission’s office is not accessible for Persons with Disability and the Elderly. This is in violation of Sections 3 and 40 of the Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016. It is shocking to note that the Human Rights Commission will be violating the Human Rights of Persons with Disability (PwD) in their programme to celebrate the International Human Rights Day, Prabhav Naik said.
The DRAG President Avelino D’Sa has said that if the venue of the programme is not shifted then DRAG will hold a protest outside the Commission’s office. I support their genuine demand and will join them for the protests, stated Prabhav Naik.
I hope Social Welfare Minister Subhash Phaldessai will intervene and make necessary arrangements to shift the venue which will have free accessibility, said Prabhav Naik.