My consistent follow-up yielded results on accepting offline ration card applications : Altone D’Costa

Margao :
After consistent followup with the Government Authorities, BJP Government finally issues Memorandum to accept Manual & Offline Applications related to Ration Cards. Big relief for the Common People who faced hardships due to collapse of Online Portal of Civil Supplies Department, stated Quepem MLA Altone D’Costa.
People faced tremendous difficulties in uploading applications related to Transfer of Ration Card Beneficiaries, Revocation of Suspended Rations Cards and other related issues due to failure of the Government to provide consistent & uninterrupted Online Network, said Altone D’Costa.
It was the Congress Government under then Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh which had gifted Goa Intranet Broadband Optic Fibre Network. This network had reached every Panchayat in Goa. Unfortunately, BJP Government has failed to maintain the network causing inconvenience to people, claimed Altone D’Costa.
I hope Civil Supplies Inspectors will take note of the Memorandum issues by Director of Civil Supplies Jayant Tari and start accepting manuls applocations immediately and give service to the people, Altone D’Costa said.
Government must be sensitive towards people and act promptly on issues faced by public. It is really sad that Government woke up after long time that too after my personal follow-up with the Authorities. I thank the Director of Civil Supplies for issuing the Memorandum, stated Altone D’Costa.