Bankruptcy Of Government Reason For Ev Subsidy Pendency : Amarnath Panjikar


Panaji :

Will old & energyless Minister for New & Renewable Energy Sudin Dhavalikar come clear on how many Applications for EV Subsidy are approved & amounts disbursed from August 2022 till date, how many applications are pending & if bankruptcy of BJP Government is the reason for pendency, demanded Congress Media Cell Chairman Amarnath Panjikar.

It is shocking to note that many Applicants most of them women, who completed all formalities of processing Applications are awaiting to receive subsidy amounts for last many months are now told by officials that disbursement is pending due to non-availability of funds, claimed Amarnath Panjikar.

Government had notified  “Re-launch of Scheme for promotion of EV Vehicles” in February 2024 to give max 15000 subsidy to two wheelers, max 60000 to three wheelers and max 1 lakh to four wheelers. However, the said scheme has only helped Government to collect fees from applicants and make them wait, pointed Amarnath Panjikar.

New & Renewable Energy Minister Sudin Dhavlikar is not fit to hold the said portfolio. He has misreably failed in increasing alternate power generation in Goa as well as boosting EV vehicles, Amarnath Panjikar stated.

EV vehicle owners are facing issues of charging as adequate number of charging stations are not available in Goa. Government is only making annoucements, but nothing happens on ground, said Amarnath Panjikar.

We demand that Government must immediately do the disbursement of all pending applications, failing which Congress Party will be compelled to protest, warned Amarnath Panjikar.

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